Thoracic Research and Practice
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Dev Hücreli Arterit ve Akciğer Tutulumu

Ayşın Şakar, Arzu Yorgancıoğlu, Süleyman Sami İlker, Aydın İşisağ, Ahmet Seyhan, Talat Tavlı

(Thorac Res Pract 2001; 2: 99-102)

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Respiratory Disability in The Van Region Based on the Medical Board Reports

Buket Mermit Çilingir

(Thorac Res Pract 2016; 17: 65-70) DOI: 10.5578/ttj.17.2.013

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Comparison of Thoracotomy and Videothorocoscopy for Taking Lung Biopsies in the Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Diseases

Koray Aydoğdu, Göktürk Fındık, Sadi Kaya, Yetkin Ağaçkıran, Ülkü Yazıcı, Funda Demirağ, Erkmen Gülhan

(Thorac Res Pract 2013; 14: 59-63) DOI: 10.5152/ttd.2013.12

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EISSN 2979-9139