Thoracic Research and Practice

Ventilatory Management in Patients with Status Asthmaticus


SSK Süreyyapaşa Chest Diseases, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Training Hospital, Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, Istanbul, Turkey

Thorac Res Pract 2005; 6: Turkish Respiratory Journal 153-158
Read: 818 Downloads: 398 Published: 12 October 2021

Objectives: To investigate the outcome of patients with status asth­maticus (SA) treated in a respiratory intensive care unit (RICU).

Design: A retrospective study conducted in the RICU of a training hospital on 12 consecutive patients with SA admitted to RICU bet­ween March 2001-December 2003.

Results: All cases were previously diagnosed and being followed up for 2-30 years. Female/male ratio was 11/1, mean age was 57± 12 yrs. Initial APACHE II score: 19±4 (11-27); pH: 7.21±0.95; PaCO2: 92± 18 mmHg; PaO2: 51 ± 17 mmHg. Out of 12 patients, 6 received NIMV (IPAP: 10± 1, EPAP 5±1 cmH2O) for 1-3 days (9±5hrs/day) with a success rate of 50%. A total of 9 cases underwent intubati­on. 1MV was administered initially with volume-controlled mode in all patients and subsequently it was switched to a pressure-cont­rolled mode in three cases because of the high airway and plateau pressures. The mean duration of the weaning period was 45 ±37 hrs and total duration of IMV was 123±82 hrs. Out of 9 patients, 7 we­re sent to the hospital ward with improvement. Two cases, one for a technical problem on the 2ni-l day and the other due to develop­ment of a cerebrovascular accident on the 14th day, were sent to another hospital. We were informed that both were discharged from that hospital in good condition.

Conclusion: It is vital to have facilities for NIMV and IMV in every chest disease hospital for the management of life threatening events in asthmatics with severe attacks.

EISSN 2979-9139