Thoracic Research and Practice
Case report

Multiple Pleural Hydatid Cysts Associated with Destruction of the Vertebral Column


Kocatepe University School of Medicine, Departments of Thoracic Surgery, Afyon, Turkey


Kocatepe University School of Medicine, Departments of Neurosurgery, Afyon, Turkey


Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Izmir, Turkey


Kocatepe University School of Medicine, Departments of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Afyon, Turkey

Thorac Res Pract 2006; 7: Turkish Respiratory Journal 130-132
Read: 718 Downloads: 342 Published: 13 October 2021

Multiple pleural hydatid cysts associated with destruction of the ver­tebral column through an intervertebral foramen Is an uncommon clinical entity. We present a 22-year-old man who underwent left tho­racotomy for the removal of multiple pleural hydatid cysts associated with destruction of the vertebral column. In his history, he was oper­ated for the removal of a left lung hydatid cyst at the age of eight. He had back pain and his physical examination was normal. A thoracal computed tomography (CT) scan revealed cystic lesion which eroded the costotransverse joint of the fourth thoracal vertebra and caused destruction of the vertebral column.

EISSN 2979-9139