Thoracic Research and Practice
Case report

Is Ganglioneuroma Provoked by Scoliosis? Concordant of Mediastinal Ganglioneuroma and Scoliosis in a Case with Advanced Age


Palandöken State Hospital, Thoracic Surgery Department, Erzurum, Turkey


University ofAtatürk School of Medicine, Chest Diseases Department, Erzurum, Turkey


University of Atatürk School of Medicine, Pathology Department, Erzurum, Turkey

Thorac Res Pract 2007; 8: Turkish Respiratory Journal 74-76
Read: 470 Downloads: 289 Published: 14 October 2021

Mediastinal ganglioneuromas are usually diagnosed in early ages. In advanced ages, its presentation is very rare, especially in the ages older than 40 years. We present a 51-year- old woman case with me­diastinal ganglioneuroma associated with scoliosis. Ganglioneuroma may provoke scoliosis as it occurred in childhood, or scoliosis may provoke ganglioneuroma development. However, it is possible to claim none of them in our case. At least, co-existence of neurogenic tumors such as ganglioneuroma should be considered in the presence of progressive and persistence back pain in a case with scoliosis.

EISSN 2979-9139