Thoracic Research and Practice
Case report

Hydatid Cyst in the Distal Pulmonary Artery: A Case Report


Department of Thoracic Surgery, Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey


Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Istanbul, Turkey


Department of Chest Surgery, Koç University Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey

Thorac Res Pract 2005; 6: Turkish Respiratory Journal 102-104
Read: 724 Downloads: 435 Published: 12 October 2021

We report a 21-year-old female with two hydatid cysts localized in the right paracardiac zone and in the left lower lobe. She underwent sequential thoracotomies. Thoracotomy for the right side revealed a hydatid cyst in the pericardial cavity with tight adhesion to the right atrial wall. The second operation confirmed the presence of a distal intrapulmonary arterial hydatid cyst, which was treated with common basal segmentectomy. We report this case because of the rarity of the natural disease and also for choice of method of surgi­cal intervention in such cases.

EISSN 2979-9139