Fiberoptic Bronchoscopic Practice in Turkey Currently, FOB provides early diagnosis and management of the pulmonary diseases by noninvasive methods. The purpose of this survey is to examine the facilities of the medical centers and the personal approaches to FOB. Questionnaires are mailed to 29 university, 21 governmental, 2 SSH (Social Security Hospital), 2 military and 3 private hospitals in 1997. The first part of the questionnaire covering mostly the facilities of the Centers was responded only by one physician while the second part covering the personal opinions about FOB was responded by physicians actively performing FOB. The response rate is 77 % (Totally 45 clinics). The questionnaires answered totally by 283 doctors (87% chest physicians 13% chest surgeons) are analysed. This epidemiological survey has led to a broad data base about the present status of FOB in Turkey. Due to several technical limitations, FOB is not used with optimal performance in Turkey.
What a bronchoscopist should do is to determine the right indication and the risk group for FOB after taking a detailed history, making a careful physical examination and carrying out minimum investigational procedures taking the cost into consideration.