40 year-old women suffering from hemopthysis and recurrent pulmonary infection applied to our clinic. On the chest X-ray, lower lobe atelectasis was detected. The orifices of lower lobe segments, except apical segment ori - fice, were seen to be wrapped up with membranous formation on fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Right pulmonary ar - tery was blocked on the lower lobe region and this region did not contain any arterial branch on pulmonary an - giography. Dextroposition of arcus aorta and descending part of aorta was also detected. Thorax computed to - mography supported these findings. Pulmonary venous return anomaly was detected at operation. Right lower lobectomy was performed. The diagnosis of “Scimitar syndrome” should be kept in mind in patients with recur - rent pulmonary infection and atelectasis of entire lower lobe or lower lobe segments. The diagnosis was establis - hed in this case through radiological, bronchoscopic, operative and histopathological findings.