Thoracic Research and Practice
Case report

A Case of Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis Associated With Sjögren's Syndrome With Atypical Radiological Findings


Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Diyarbakır, Türkiye

Thorac Res Pract 2008; 9: 127-130
Read: 1423 Downloads: 990 Published: 18 July 2019


The 42 year old female patient admitted to our hospital with the compliants of cough, sputum, loss of weight, hoarseness and dryness of the eyes and skin. On the chest x-ray, opacification was found in the right lower zone. The chest CT scan demonstrated nodular lesions, including air bronchograms showing a partial alveolar pattern in the middle and lower right lobes and bilateral pleural plaques. The diagnosis of Sjögren's Syndrome was made on the basis of bilateral Schirmer test positivity in the ophthalmologic examination and anti-SSA: (+++) positivity, with a titration of 1/100. The cytologic examination of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and histopathological evaluation of transbronchial biopsy were not diagnostic. Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia was diagnosed by evaluation of a transthoracic fine needle biopsy (tru cut). In this case report, we present a case of lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia associated with Sjogren's syndrome with atypical radiological findings, who responded favourably to steroid and cyclophosphamide treatment. (Tur Toraks Der 2008;9:127-30)

EISSN 2979-9139