Young Male Cases With Lung Cancer
Original Article
P: 84 - 89
January 2004

Young Male Cases With Lung Cancer

1. İzmir Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Eğitim Hastanesi, Göğüs Hastalıkları Kliniği, İzmir
No information available.
No information available
Accepted Date: 18.07.2019
Online Date: 18.07.2019
Publish Date: 18.07.2019



A cancer registry was analyzed to determine the clinicopathologic characteristics, treatment modalities and prognosis of primary lung cancer in young male patients. A cancer registry was analyzed retrospectively in whom primary lung cancer, 45 years old or youngers, was diagnosed in our clinic between 1995 and 2001. Data regarding demographics, initial therapy and date death were recorded in all patients. “Kaplan-Meier’’ method was utilized for survival analysis. Younger patients (<45 years old) numbered 57 ( 4.3%). All of the patients were symptomatic at the time of diagnosis. Cough was the most common (60%) presenting symptom. Adenocarsinoma in 14 patients (25%) and squamous carsinoma in 12 patients (19.3%) were the predominant histologic types. Advanced stages were present in 49 patients (86%). 23 patients (40.3%) were received chemotherapy while remaining 34 patients (59.6%) were treated symptomatically. The median survival time was found 5.6 (3.78-7.42) months. (Stage Ib: 4.87 months, Stage IV: 3.47 months, p=0.32 ). There was no statistical difference between Stage IIIb and IV (5.93 and 3.47 months, p=0.11). Median survival time of cases with NSCLC, and SCLC, respectively, was 5.73, 4.67 months (p=0.51). Young male patients with lung cancer often have advanced disease at the time of presentation. Although, there is not any operated case, the survival time was found longer in resectable stages than advanced stages but the difference was not statistically significant. Cigarette smoking appears to be the main aetiological agent, other factors (genetic, hormonal) may also contribute. Lung cancer must be reminded in young, smoking cases, while evaluating pulmonary pathologic lesions.

lung cancer, young male cases