Mediastinoscopy is essential in thoracic surgery practice. For this reason has a great importance in residency programs. Videomediastinoscopy is an important option for education beside its some advantages. During last nine months, 65 patients underwent videomediastinoscopy in Thoracic Surgery Department. 50 of patients had bronchial carcinoma, 8 had undiagnosed lung mass and 7 had primary mediastinal lymphadenomegaly. 15 of 50 patients with bronchial carcinoma had mediastinal lymph node metastasis. In the remaining patients, 34 had accepted surgery and 2 of them had mediastinal lymph node metastasis (6%). 5 of 7 patients with primary mediastinal lymphadenomegaly received specific diagnosis by videomediastinoscopy(%72). Of 8 patients with undiagnosed lung mass 1 had tumor metastasis by mediastinoscopy(%12,5). Videomediastinoscopy have improved visibility and provide advantages for the training of surgeons but did not change the surgical procedure. Videomediastinoscopy may be recommended for medical education training hospitals.