The Hospital Data of Patients with COPD Which Examined Most in 2018
Oral Presentation
P: 117 - 117
April 2019

The Hospital Data of Patients with COPD Which Examined Most in 2018

1. University of Health Sciences, Yedikule Chest Diseases and Surgery Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
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No information available
Accepted Date: 31.07.2019
Online Date: 31.07.2019
Publish Date: 31.07.2019



The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of the patients who were admitted to our hospital in 2018 and diagnosed as J44 (COPD).


In 2018, descriptive analyzes were performed by using the hospital data processings. New patients were compared with the old patients once in terms of applications. p<0.05 was considered significant.


A total of 38.242 COPD patients admitted to our Yedikule Chest Diseases Hospital in 2018 and a mean age of 61.8+14.9 years. 26.575 (69.5%) male, 11.267 female with COPD patients were calculated. 62+15.1 years versus 61.4+14.7. 34.332 patients who visited the polyclinic performed 148.451 visits (4.3 per person) and received polyclinic services 1-220 times. On the other hand, 17,482 patients in the emergency department received 39.474 (2.3 per person) emergency examinations (1-120). Of the 6.134 patients hospitalized, 12.085 (2 per person) were hospitalized. Out of 38.242 patients, 34.332 (89.8%) received polyclinic services while 17.482 (45.7%) patients applied to our outpatient clinic. 6.134 (16%) patients were hospitalized. The 18.362 (48%) of the patients were admitted in first 2018 years, 2.964 patients (7.8%) in 2017, 2.299 (6%) patients in 2016, 2.219 (5.8%) patients. In 2015, 2.220 (5.8%) in 2014 and 10.198 in more than 5 years ago. 86% of the 18,362 patients who applied for the first time in 2018 came to both the emergency room once and once to the outpatient clinic, also hospitalized once. On the other hand, in the other 19,880 patients,148 were admitted to the emergency room once, and once to the outpatient clinic and 1 to 1 hospitalization (p<0.01). Of the 38.233 patients, 11.832 (34.5%) came in one time, 22.500 in more than 1.2/3 of our patients come to the polyclinic more than once. More than one incidence (70.3%) for the first admitted before 2018 was higher than the value of 2018 (60.4%) (p<0.05). 8.540 (48.9%) of the 17,482 patients who came to the emergency polyclinic came to the emergency room once a year. 13.587 (76.2%) of 17.842 patients were admitted to the outpatient clinic and 5.625 (31.5%) were hospitalized at the same time. Only 3.480 patients (10.8%)were admitted to the emergency department. 501 patients were hospitalized in the outpatient clinic and only 8 patients were hospitalized without any emergency and/or polyclinic.


In this study; the fact that almost half of the patients were new patients, 45% of them were admitted to the emergency clinic, 10% of them went to the emergency department and 16% of them were admitted to the hospital.

COPD, new patient, repeated application