Endobronchial metastases (EBM) secondary to extrapulmonary solid malignant tumors are rare. Breast, colon and renal adenocarcinoma are the most frequent tumors associated with EBM.
Our case was a 29 years old man. He had pulmonary and lymph node (supraclavicular, para-aortic, iliac) metas - tases at the time of initial diagnosis. Multiple tumoral lesions were identified on his chest X-ray and thoracal CT. Bronchoscopy revealed an endobronchial tumor mimicking a carcinoma in the apical segment bronchus of the right upper lobe. Metastatic testicular embryonal cell carcinoma was diagnosed histologically. The patient, who underwent right orchiectomy and subsequently chemotherapy for testicular embryonal cell carcinoma, expired two months after the diagnosis of cancer