Tuberculosis can involve all tissues and organs. In this study patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis who were followed and treated in Eskiflehir-Deliklitafl Tuberculosis Dispensary were evaluated retrospectively between January 1990 and June 2000. This study consisted of 94 female (40.7%) and 137 male (59.3%) patients. The mean age was 33.1±16.3 years. The most common form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis were pleural tuberculosis and tuberculosis lymhpadenitis. The 4.8 percent of patients have been found by examination of close contacts. Diagnosis was made in 76 (32.9%) patients by clinicalal and radiographical findings and in 127 (55.1%) by histopathologically. By histopatholigical or microbiological examination, 90.4% of the patients were diagnosed in medical schools, 71.4% in military hospitals and chest disease hospitals and 34.5% in tuberculosis control dispensaries. 91.3% of the patients have completed the treatment successfully (mean duration 10.3±2.6 months). The mortality rate was 2.2%. As a result, we conclud that microbiological and histopathological examinations performed were insufficient.