DOI: 10.5152/ThoracResPract.2024.23129
Yurtcanli CHK, Bakar MT, Peker Ş, Ay P. Factors related to tobacco cessation attempts among turkish adolescents: A structural equation model analysis. Thorac Res Pract. 2024;25(6):197-202.
The mistake has been made inadvertently by the author.
i. The name information of the 4th author is incorrect on page 197.
Cemre Hilal Kesen Yurtcanli, Murat Tuğberk Bakar, Şükran Peker, Nadide Pinar Ay
The name information of the 4th author has been corrected on page 197.
Cemre Hilal Kesen Yurtcanli, Murat Tuğberk Bakar, Şükran Peker, Pinar Ay
ii. The name information of the 4th author is incorrect in the “Cite this article as” section on page 197.
Cite this article as: Yurtcanli CHK, Bakar MT, Peker Ş, Ay NP. Factors related to tobacco cessation attempts among
turkish adolescents: A structural equation model analysis. Thorac Res Pract. 2024;25(6):197-202.
The name information of the 4th author has been corrected in the “Cite this article as” section on page 197.
Cite this article as: Yurtcanli CHK, Bakar MT, Peker Ş, Ay P. Factors related to tobacco cessation attempts among turkish adolescents: A structural equation model analysis. Thorac Res Pract. 2024;25(6):197-202.
iii. The name information of the 4th author is incorrect in the Author Contributions section on page 201.