The interactions between cytotoxic agents and inhalation anaesthetics were investigated.
An experimental animal study which was conducted on 75 female “Wistar Albino” rats.
The animals were divided into five groups: only saline infusion (I), halothane administered group (II), isoflurane administered group (III), and groups which received chemotherapeutic agents cisplatin and bleomycin 21 days before administration of anaesthesics (Groups IV and V). Blood samples for biochemical and haematological examinations were taken before anaesthesia and 48 h after the anaesthesia. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) with 40 ml of phosphate buffered saline was also performed 48 h after the anaesthesia and tissue samples were taken for pathological examination.
They were evaluated with “Independent samples Student’s t-test”, and “One-Way ANOVA”. p<0.05 values were accepted as significant. In the pathological examinations, alveolitis and terminal bronchiolitis were noted especially in groups which received halothane. An additional finding was pre-oedema in the groups which received chemotherapy and halothane. Additionally, polymorphonuclear leukocyte ratio was found to be higher in BAL fluid in chemotherapy applied groups. There were also some changes in the biochemical parameters in the chemotherapy applied groups.
The study showed that inhalation anaesthesia had some important effects on tissues in chemoterapy administered rats.