Despite the negative aspects of cigarette use on pregnant, the level of smoking is extremely high among low-income women during pregnancy.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study which has been conducted using an in-depth individual interview method, qualitatively explores and describes the characteristics of smoking behavior among poor pregnant women in Izmir, Turkey. A conventional content analysis
method was used in the data analysis. Twelve pregnant women who smoked at least 1 cigarette a day and had $4 daily income were chosen as participants in this study. Interviews were recorded using a voice recorder, and the average duration of the interviews was 31 min.
RESULTS: The smoking behavior of poor pregnant women is classified under 2 themes: “Individual attitudes and behavior” and “Interpersonal factors.”
CONCLUSION: Public health nurses should include smoking/non-smoking criteria in their routine check-ups and follow up with pregnant
women while undertaking the role of educator and counseling regarding smoking cessation.
Cite this article as: Dokuzcan DA, Gördes Aydoğdu N. Characteristics of smoking behavior among poor pregnant women in İzmir, turkey: A qualitative study. Turk Thorac J. 2021; 22(3): 217-223.