COVID-19 is a pandemic that has been affecting the entire world and has caused the death of approximately 2.8 million people. Although the duration of viral shedding varies, an average of 7-10 days is accepted. It is still unclear whether prolonged viral shedding means prolonged contagious period and whether COVID-19 will become chronic or not. This article presents a case with hematological malignancy (lymphoma) with the longest polymerase chain reaction positivity that we could find in the literature (110 days in total).
Cite this article as:
Serez Kaya B, Yılmam İ, Çakır Edis E, et al. Case of prolonged viral shedding: Chronic, intermittan COVID-19? Turk Thorac J. 2022;23(1):85-88.
Chronic infection, lymphoma, viral shedding