The purpose of this article is to introduce asthma-themed chest diseases elective program applied within the scope of the Dokuz Eylül University School of Medicine. undergraduate medical program.
Asthma-themed chest diseases elective internship program in Year 4 was developed to increase student gains from the elective internship program. During the two-week program, lectures and bedside and outpatient clinics practices were implemented.
Students’ pre-education and post-education knowledge scores and OSCE scores were investigated. A minimal increase was observed in post-education score, and no significant difference was determined in the statistical analysis. The students’ post-education clinical performance scores were significantly higher than that of pre-education.
Asthma-themed chest diseases elective internship program seems to be effective in increasing the clinical performance of the students.
Cite this article as:
Ural HA, Musal B, Kılınç O. Asthma-themed chest diseases elective internship program experience at Dokuz Eylül University School of Medicine. Turk Thorac J 2020; 21(5): 293-5.