Assessment of Dissemine Tuberculosis Cases
Oral Presentation
P: 205 - 205
April 2019

Assessment of Dissemine Tuberculosis Cases

1. Departmant of Chest Diseases, Health Sciences University Süreyyapaşa Chest Diseases and Chest Surgery Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
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No information available
Accepted Date: 05.08.2019
Online Date: 05.08.2019
Publish Date: 05.08.2019



Dissemine Tuberculosis is a form of primary progressive disesase that spreads hematogenous.


9 cases of Dissemine Tuberculosis are assessed with the age, sex, nationality, radyologycal and except-lung findings, microbiyological and drug sensitivity tests.


Case 1:

A 26 year old Uzbek woman presented cough, fever, chest pain, left hip pain, pleural effusion. After 7 months, Toraks tomography showed miliyer lesions, Rifampisin sensitivity revealed in Moleculer tests. Pelvic MR showed sacroileitis.

Case 2:

A 19 year old Nigerian man presented swelling of left scrotum. Mycobacterium tuberculosis basil revealed in this draniage material studying with molekuler tests. Chest radyography showed infectious areas, Cranial MR showed tuberculom, Thoracolumbal MR showed Pott diseases.

Case 3:

A 32 year old Turkish man presented cough, expectoration, paresthaesia in face, upper limbs, infectious areas in chest radyography, ARB positivity in sputum smear, rifampisin sensitivity in molekuler test, tuberkulom in Cranial MR, right septic sacroileitis in Coccygofemoral MR.

Case 4:

A 27 year old Russian woman presented losing weight, cough. Chest radyography showed miliyer lesions, Cranial MR Angiography showed tuberculos vasculitis. Koroiditis was found in ophtalmologic examination. Broncoscophy lavage material was analysed PCR test positivity, HR resistance in Drug Resistance Test.

Case 5:

A 39 year old Takistani man presented lumbal pain. ARB positivity and moleculer test showed Rifampisin resistance in urinary specimen. Thoracs CT confirmed bilateral infectious lesions, Lumbal Spinal MR showed Pott disease.

Case 6:

A 71 year old Turkish man presented with losing weight, night sweeting, dizuria. PCR positivity revealed in urinary specimen. Thoracs CT showed milier lesions.

Case 7:

A 22 year old Pakistani man presented with cough, losing weight, weakness. ARB positivity was found in sputum smear. Pelvic MR showed osteoarteritis for right hip joint, gluteal apse at the same side.

Case 8:

A 57 year old Turkish woman presented cough, fever, swelling of right elbow. After arthrosentesis from this junction, examination this material showed Mt.tuberculosis basil culture positivity. Thoracs CT confirmed pulmoner parencyma infectious areas.

Case 9:

A 65 year Turkish woman presented dyspnea, losing weight, pericardial effusion. ARB positivity was determined in pericadial fluid. Thoracs CT confirmed pulmoner parencyma infectious areas.


Today, early diagnosis and treatment are very important to inhibit the dissemine tuberculosis.

Dissemine, tuberculosis, treatment