In this descriptive study, it was aimed to assess attitudes and behaviours of some taxi-drivers in Ankara on the smoking ban in cabs under the Law of Preventing the Harmful effects of Tobacco Products.
Material and Methods:
Face to face interviews were done with 277 taxi-drivers by visiting taxi stations in Altındag and Çankaya districts. Additionally, breath carbon monoxide levels were measured in some drivers after obtaining their informed consent. As a part of this study, the actual smoking status of the drivers and/or clients were recorded by observing the travelling taxies on the junctions of the main streets of the two districts of Ankara.
Sixty-four percent of taxi drivers (177 of 277) were current smokers. The majority of these current smokers (108 of 177; 61.0%) reported that they also smoked in the cabs. While more than half of the respondents (55.2%) supported the smoking ban in the cabs, one third (33.2%) of the drivers strongly disagreed with this legislation. Among the taxi drivers, there was an agreement on supporting the smoking bans in certain public places like court halls and the town bus stations (80.2% and 73.6% respectively), but on the other hand, they s were less supportive of the bans in cafes and restaurants, particularly serving alcoholic drink (41.5% and 32.9% respectively). Non-smoker drivers supported the smoking ban legislations more.
Findings showed that compliance with the items of the Law which ban smoking in the cabs, were not sufficient. In daily life many traffic policemen are responsible for the regulation of the traffic. It will be efficacious in the eradication of smoke from the cabs, if these traffic police are informed about their authorization and duty on the tobacco control, including fining the taxi drivers who ignore the smoking ban legislation. (Turk Toraks Derg 2012; 13: 141-5)